About Me

Graphic Design Specialist since 2008. I am a UI designer, graphic artist, and front-end developer. I believe that design is first and foremost a job of solving problems. Everything after that is yummy, aesthetically pleasing icing on the cake.

In 2008 I started my own company, a design and marketing consultancy specializing in exciting and engaging experiences through web & print media, branding, and various marketing campaigns. I work with a wide range of clients, including local non-profits.

In 2013 I constructed a "Creative Computing Production" workshop to teach technical and non-technical users how to develop methodologies in fundamental digital graphic technologies.

Pun for the road? I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got over it.

Career Fair Gameboard Giveaway

Graphics, Marketing

Career Fair

The client, a mid-sized IT consulting firm, wants to break away from the consultant stereotype and market their company's internal recruiting force towards the college career and job fair audience. Exploring various ways to break away from that perception and reach their target audience, I was able to come up with several new approaches that best matches the client's company culture.


A quirky spin on the classic board game, Chutes and Ladders, using spaces inspired by the company's culture. Illustrated using pen and paper, then digitalized for coloring. The player-pieces are removable via serrated printing/cutting methods. You only need a penny to play!


No button-up shirts for this team. Everyone is comfortable and feeling fun in these custom printed shirts. Job positions are listed on the back for more exposure.


Instead of normal flyers that can get lost in the shuffle, this handout is especially designed and shaped using die-cut printing. In addition, extra game pieces can be removed.